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Information about artworks from auctions and their hammer prices
Suzi Aronova (1920 -)
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 40 x 58 cm
Initial price: 480 BGN
Not sold
Greddy Assa (р. 1954 г.)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 46 x 65 cm
Initial price: 4200 BGN
Not sold
Greddy Assa (р. 1954 г.)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 46 x 65 cm
Initial price: 4200 BGN
Not sold
Slav Bakalov (1945)
"В полите на Витоша"
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 80 x 80 cm
Initial price: 1850 BGN
Not sold
Slav Bakalov (1945)
"Стара градска част"
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 71 x 71 cm
Initial price: 1700 BGN
Not sold
Reni Bahneva (1956 - )
"Десет Божи заповеди"
Material / Techique: Oil painting, Paper
Size: 50 x 33 cm
Initial price: 800 BGN
Not sold
Reni Bahneva (1956 - )
"Десет Божи заповеди I"
Size: 40 x 67 cm
Initial price: 700 BGN
Not sold
Neda Vasileva (1977 - )
"Двойно цвете"
Size: 80 x 60 cm
Initial price: 1200 BGN
Not sold
Jana Behar (1956 -)
"Мелнишки скали I"
Material / Techique: На
Size: 34 x 47 cm
Initial price: 450 BGN
Not sold
No autor
"Червеният рог"
Size: 25 x 13 x 9 cm
Initial price: 1450 BGN
Not sold
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