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St. Georgiev
Пролет идва
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Aquarel, Paper
Size: 21 x 32 cm
Period: 1928
Initial price: 500 BGN
Sold: 500 BGN
Alexandar Dobrinov (1898 - 1958)
Material / Techique: Pastel, Paper, Gwash
Period: 1957
Initial price: 500 BGN
Sold: 500 BGN
Stoian Venev (1904-1989)
В горичката
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks, Paper
Size: 30 x 40 cm
Period: 1935
Initial price: 950 BGN
Sold: 1000 BGN
Stoian Venev (1904-1989)
Голо тяло
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks, Paper
Size: 44 x 29 cm
Initial price: 1500 BGN
Not sold
Tihomir Radinov (1909-2004)
Бурно море
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 38 x 48 cm
Period: ок. 1950
Initial price: 800 BGN
Not sold
Maria Lozeva
Двореца - Балчик
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 51 x 40 cm
Period: ок. 1950
Initial price: 600 BGN
Not sold
Naum Hadjimladenov (1894-1985)
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 50 x 40 cm
Period: 1972
Initial price: 2000 BGN
Sold: 3200 BGN
масл. бои/ картон дублиран на платно, датирана
Artwork details
Ivan Tabakov (1901-1977)
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 101 x 80 cm
Period: ок. 1960
Initial price: 900 BGN
Not sold
Constantin Tringov (1907-1981)
Край София
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 60 x 80 cm
Period: ок. 1950
Initial price: 2000 BGN
Not sold
Ilya Petrov (1903-1975)
Material / Techique: Tush, Paper
Size: 32 x 23 cm
Period: около 1940
Initial price: 450 BGN
Sold: 450 BGN
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