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Nikolai Nikov - Nicheto (1924-1989)
Самотният рибар
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks
Size: 34 x 37 cm
Initial price: 390 BGN
Sold: 600 BGN
Nikolai Nikov - Nicheto (1924-1989)
Трите грации
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks
Size: 50 x 35 cm
Initial price: 450 BGN
Sold: 1000 BGN
Olga Shаhanova-Shishkova (1895-1978)
В метоха
Material / Techique: Oil painting, Phaser
Size: 26 x 38 cm
Period: 1935
Initial price: 1300 BGN
Not sold
Pablo Picaso (1881 - 1973)
"Художник и модел"
Material / Techique: Ofort
Size: 21 x 29 cm
Period: XX
Initial price: 2400 BGN
Sold: 2400 BGN
Pablo Picaso (1881 - 1973)
Material / Techique: Ofort
Size: 20 x 29 cm
Period: XX
Initial price: 2400 BGN
Sold: 2400 BGN
Panayot Hristov - Sirak Skitnik (1883 – 1943)
Илюстрации към "Поеми"
Material / Techique: Illustration
Size: 7 x 14 cm
Initial price: 1950 BGN
Sold: 1950 BGN
Уникално издание от 1920 г. на книгата "Поеми" от Едгар Алан По, номерирана под No 20 от 100 екземпляра, илюстрирана от Сирак Скитник с 5 бр. илюстрации. Книга с 5 бр. илюстрации
Artwork details
Petar Petrov
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 27 x 20 cm
Period: XX
Initial price: 220 BGN
Sold: 240 BGN
Raiкo Aleksiev (1893-1944)
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 22 x 29 cm
Period: 1919г
Initial price: 2550 BGN
Not sold
Salvador Dali (1904- 1989)
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 29 x 19 cm
Initial price: 1900 BGN
Sold: 1900 BGN
Sami Bijerano (1920 - 2007)
"Жена на мира"
Material / Techique: Na
Size: 53 x 30 cm
Period: 1967г.
Initial price: 260 BGN
Not sold
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