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Stefan Ivanov (1875-1951)
Благовещение - I
Material / Techique: Nas, Oil painting
Size: 33 x 20 cm
Period: 1941
Initial price: 2950 BGN
Sold: 2950 BGN
Stefan Ivanov (1875-1951)
Благовещение - II
Material / Techique: Nas, Oil painting
Size: 33 x 20 cm
Initial price: 2950 BGN
Not sold
Stanyo Stamatov (1886-1963)
Старото дърво
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 26 x 33 cm
Initial price: 720 BGN
Sold: 720 BGN
Nikolai Nikov - Nicheto (1924-1989)
Край Сена
Material / Techique: Aquarel, На
Size: 55 x 69 cm
Initial price: 690 BGN
Sold: 1600 BGN
Nikola Tanev (1890-1962)
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting, На
Size: 10 x 18 cm
Initial price: 4900 BGN
Not sold
Vadim Lazarkevich (1895 - 1963)
Зайо Байо
Material / Techique: Tush
Size: 33 x 23 cm
Initial price: 650 BGN
Sold: 550 BGN
Assen Popov (1895-1976)
Material / Techique: Tush
Size: 35 x 20 cm
Initial price: 230 BGN
Sold: 230 BGN
Tzvetana Shtilianova (1903-1994)
Жълти рози
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 35 x 32 cm
Initial price: 780 BGN
Sold: 1100 BGN
Petar Petrov
Портрет на Захари Стоянов
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 118 x 72 cm
Initial price: 2200 BGN
Sold: 3100 BGN
Ilia Beshkov (1901-1958)
Хитлер - бояджия
Material / Techique: Tush
Size: 21 x 17 cm
Period: 1945
Initial price: 650 BGN
Sold: 1100 BGN
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