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Fey Vidal - Rajnov (1912-2003)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 65 x 92 cm
Period: 1962
Initial price: 2200 BGN
Not sold
Nikolai Nikov - Nicheto (1924-1989)
Рибари край Созопол
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 85 x 62 cm
Initial price: 1300 BGN
Sold: 1400 BGN
Nikola Kostov-Andonov (1887-1981)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 64 x 72 cm
Period: 1932
Initial price: 6500 BGN
Not sold
No autor
Натюрморт с ябълки
Material / Techique: Nas, Oil painting
Size: 38 x 48 cm
Period: 1941
Initial price: 1560 BGN
Not sold
Stoyan Vassilev (1904-1977)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 50 x 62 cm
Initial price: 2340 BGN
Sold: 2340 BGN
Tsanko Panov (1950 - 2003)
Старият Пловдив
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 40 x 31 cm
Initial price: 1040 BGN
Not sold
Petar Morozov (1880 - 1951)
Соколския манастир
Material / Techique: Aquatinta
Size: 43 x 33 cm
Period: 1948
Initial price: 845 BGN
Sold: 845 BGN
Petar Morozov (1880 - 1951)
Material / Techique: Aquatinta
Size: 43 x 33 cm
Period: 1950
Initial price: 845 BGN
Sold: 845 BGN
Nevena Gancheva (1897-1984)
Пейзаж от Венеция
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 53 x 64 cm
Initial price: 2600 BGN
Sold: 2600 BGN
Alexander Milenkov (1882- 1971)
Бачковския манастир
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 58 x 70 cm
Period: 1920
Initial price: 1950 BGN
Sold: 1950 BGN
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