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Stephen Petrov (1891-1991)
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 66 x 50 cm
Period: 1970
Initial price: 80 BGN
Sold: 300 BGN
Nikola Tuzsuzov (1900-1977)
Material / Techique: Na, Tush
Size: 17 x 19 cm
Initial price: 60 BGN
Sold: 120 BGN
Nikola Kozhuharov (1892-1971)
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks
Size: 38 x 29 cm
Initial price: 100 BGN
Sold: 550 BGN
Ivan Kostov
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 37 x 28 cm
Period: 1947
Initial price: 80 BGN
Sold: 350 BGN
Vassil Ivanov (1909-1975)
Size: 25 x 32 cm
Initial price: 80 BGN
Sold: 200 BGN
креда върху черна хартия
Artwork details
D. Draganov
Към училището
Material / Techique: Pencil, Na
Size: 18 x 11 cm
Period: 1926
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 200 BGN
St. Petrov
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 30 x 38 cm
Initial price: 60 BGN
Sold: 140 BGN
Ilya Petrov (1903-1975)
Пристанище в Созопол
Material / Techique: Na, Colored pancil
Size: 26 x 32 cm
Initial price: 100 BGN
Sold: 500 BGN
Nikola Kozhuharov (1892-1971)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 22 x 16 cm
Initial price: 80 BGN
Sold: 200 BGN
George Kioseiliev (1935)
Material / Techique: Oil painting, Phaser
Size: 50 x 40 cm
Period: 1999
Initial price: 80 BGN
Sold: 350 BGN
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