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Zlatka Dabova (1927-1997)
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 20 x 20 cm
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 800 BGN
1 от 100
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Evgeni Poptoshev (1907-1974)
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 21 x 15 cm
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 120 BGN
George Bogdanov (1910-1974)
Дупнишката врата- Рилски манастир
Size: 10 x 11 cm
Period: 1933
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 180 BGN
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Unknown author
Material / Techique: Ofort
Size: 22 x 16 cm
Initial price: 50 BGN
Sold: 120 BGN
Boris Angelushev (1902-1966)
Из Цикъла Румъния
Material / Techique: На, Na
Size: 48 x 62 cm
Period: 1947
Initial price: 100 BGN
Sold: 800 BGN
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Marko Behar (1914-1973)
На събрание ли?
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 31 x 14 cm
Period: 1956
Initial price: 60 BGN
Sold: 220 BGN
Ada Mitrani (р. 1954г)
Композиране III
Material / Techique: Litography
Size: 20 x 29 cm
Period: 1981
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 250 BGN
Ivan Penkov (1897 - 1957)
"Весела поща" картичка от клуб 39- Септември
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks
Size: 11 x 16 cm
Initial price: 50 BGN
Sold: 200 BGN
David Peretz (1906 - 1982)
Абстрактна композиция
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks
Size: 76 x 71 cm
Period: 1977
Initial price: 100 BGN
Sold: 500 BGN
Pencho Balkanski (1908-1985)
Ул. Тодорини Кукли
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks
Size: 30 x 34 cm
Initial price: 40 BGN
Sold: 550 BGN
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