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Vladimir Manski (1914-1982)
Пейзаж от Париж
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 49 x 34 cm
Initial price: 1300 BGN
Sold: 1300 BGN
Sasho Rachev (1927 - 2007)
Историческа композиция
Material / Techique: Nas, Oil painting
Size: 54 x 65 cm
Initial price: 1250 BGN
Not sold
Vassil Ivanov (1909-1975)
Голо женско тяло
Material / Techique: Creda, Tush, Paper
Size: 91 x 64 cm
Initial price: 1200 BGN
Not sold
Оto Horeishi (1857- 1937)
"Проект за паметник на Мърквичка"
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 32 x 24 cm
Initial price: 1200 BGN
Sold: 1200 BGN
Maria Stolarova (1925)
Жар птица
Material / Techique: Oil painting, На
Size: 50 x 60 cm
Period: 1997
Initial price: 1100 BGN
Not sold
Оto Horeishi (1857- 1937)
"Декоративен елемент"
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 15 x 31 cm
Initial price: 1100 BGN
Not sold
Georgi Karakashev (1899-1970)
В училище
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 32 x 38 cm
Initial price: 1100 BGN
Not sold
Boris Kolev (1906-1982)
"Алпийски пейзаж"
Style: Jivopis
Material / Techique: На, Oil painting
Size: 58 x 48 cm
Period: 1950г.
Initial price: 1050 BGN
Sold: 1050 BGN
Ivan Georgiev - Rembrand (1938-1994)
"Aбстрактна композиция"
Style: Abstraction
Material / Techique: Mixed techniks
Size: 37 x 53 cm
Initial price: 1050 BGN
Sold: 1050 BGN
Georgi Baev - Djurlata (1924-2007)
На кея
Material / Techique: Aquarel
Size: 41 x 57 cm
Period: 1986 г.
Initial price: 1050 BGN
Sold: 1050 BGN
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